Member Spotlight- Tyrone Spears

Tell me about how you became a Risk Manager? I fell into the Risk Management/Workers’ Compensation field. My desired occupation growing up was to become a Judge. What are the rewards you experience professionally by being a PARMA member? There are so many rewards and benefits in being a member of PARMA. The networking, education, and resources provided by PARMA is worth it all. How has your professional knowledge expanded by interacting with other PARMA members? I have benefited greatly by networking with my fellow PARMA chapter members. I came to the City of Los Angeles from the private


Public Agency Risk Managers Association Request for Proposal

Description: Over the last 40 years PARMA has been very successful in 

providing a well-run and heavily attended conference while offering other 

networking and educational opportunities throughout the year at the chapter 

level.  The Board is currently undergoing strategic planning with a 

consultant and finalizing a strategic plan that will carry PARMA into the 

future.  Through this process, we have discovered that with the ever