It is with a sad heart that we inform you  of the untimely passing of our colleague and one of PARMA's great supporters David Rendeiro in the afternoon of Thursday, May 21, 2015.  Dave was a long time employee of Keenan and Associates as well as a participant in several PARMA conference planning sessions and the Southern California chapter.  He was a friendly face in the conference exhibit hall and many social functions.  His dedication to PARMA and the Risk Management profession will be sorely missed.  

David is survived by his wife and four children.  On behalf of all PARMA members, the Board of Directors would like to extend its utmost sympathy to Dave's family, friends, associates and to all that knew him.  

A memorial service is being held at the South Hills Church in Corona on Thursday, May 28th at 10:00am.  The address is 2585 South Main Street in Corona.