Insurers may be non-renewing more in wildfire-prone areas of California, sending an increasing number of people to the residual market or to surplus lines insurers.

A report released on Monday shows that market shares of the FAIR Plan, the state’s residual insurance market, and the surplus lines market, are on the rise, as people look for coverage, and look for more affordable coverage.

A new report from the Rand Corp. is part of California’s Fourth Climate Change Assessment, an amalgam of thirty-something state-sponsored reports.

The report from the Santa Monica, Calif.-based think tank looks at two study areas: the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains in Northern California and western San Bernardino County in Southern California.

Focusing on two areas as opposed to the entire state allowed authors of the report to conduct a more detailed analysis. The Sierra Foothills study area covers 1.9 million acres of land between Sacramento and Lake Tahoe and spans parts of three counties—Nevada, Placer, and El Dorado. The San Bernardino study area covers 0.86 million acres of land in the western, more populated portion of San Bernardino County.

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