PARMA 2020, The Art of Risk

To submit a session for consideration for PARMA's 2020 Annual Risk Management Conference, The Art of Risk, please complete this form and then click the Submit Button at the bottom.  You will receive a copy of your submission sent to the email address you provide below.  If you do not receive a copy of your submission, the session did not get submitted correctly. The submission deadline is April 1, 2019.

Note: PARMA does not pay speaker fees.  Do not submit sessions where the speaker requires or requests a fee.  Selected presenters receive complemenatry conferece registration.  All other expenses are on your own.  

All fields marked with an * (asterisk) are required for form submission.

The dates for the Conference are February  25-28, 2020 and it will be held at the Monterey Conference Center, Monterey CA.